Source code for cmake_pip.cmake_extension

from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext as _build_ext
from distutils.extension import Extension as _Extension
from distutils.core import Command as _Command, setup as _setup

from distutils import log

import subprocess
import os
import sys

def _is_64_build():
    return sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32

[docs]class ExtensionCMake(_Extension): """Defines a cmake type extension. * `name` : name of the package * `cmake_target` the target used to generate the extension. If empty, the default `ALL` target will be used. * `cmake_install`: an install command in the cmake sources installs the target in a specific location. Specify `cmake_install_component` if the install is for a particular component * `cmake_install_component` the component used for installation. See documentation. Implied `cmake_install`. * `cmake_file` the location of the cmake file or the cmake file itself * `cmake_options` cmake options * `cmake_src_layout` indicates that the layout is a regular one * `cmake_external_project` an external cmake project to download * `cmake_builder` the optional builder for the platform. Defaults to `Makefiles` on Linux/OSX and VS 2012 on Win32. The `Win64` part should be omitted as it is automatically deduced by the current python executable/interpreter. Overrides of the regular distutils commands """ def __init__(self, name, cmake_file, cmake_target=None, cmake_locate_extensions=None, cmake_options=None, cmake_package=None, cmake_src_layout=None, cmake_external_project=None, cmake_install=None, cmake_install_component=None, cmake_builder=None, *args, **kwargs): # self.cmake_generated_module = kwargs.get('name', args[0]) self.cmake_file = cmake_file self.cmake_options = cmake_options self.cmake_target = cmake_target self.cmake_locate_extensions = cmake_locate_extensions if cmake_locate_extensions is not None else False if cmake_src_layout: assert cmake_src_layout.lower() in ['in_tree', 'out_tree'] self.cmake_src_layout = cmake_src_layout.lower() else: self.cmake_src_layout = 'in_tree' self.cmake_external_project = cmake_external_project self.cmake_install_component = cmake_install_component self.cmake_install = cmake_install self.cmake_builder = cmake_builder _Extension.__init__(self, name, sources=[cmake_file], *args, **kwargs)
#self.cmake_regular_layout = kwargs.get('cmake_regular_layout')
[docs]class build_cmake(_Command): """Calls cmake to build Yayi""" description = "Builds cmake extensions" user_options = [ #('boostroot=', None, 'specifies the boost directory'), # option with = because it takes an argument ('cmake-additional-options=', None, 'additional cmake options known at runtime'), ] def initialize_options(self): self.cmake_additional_options = None self.build_temp = None self.build_lib = None self.build_platlib = None self.install_dir = None self.cached_cmake_configure = {} def finalize_options(self): self.set_undefined_options('build', ('build_temp', 'build_temp'), ('build_lib', 'build_lib'), ('build_platlib', 'build_platlib')) self.set_undefined_options('install', ('install_lib', 'install_dir')) pass def set_extensions(self, ext_list): for ext in ext_list: if(not isinstance(ext, ExtensionCMake)): raise RuntimeError('Only ExtensionCMake allowed') self.extension_list = ext_list
[docs] def cmake_configure(self, ext, options): """Configuring CMake. This is the main function for configuring CMake on all platforms. It takes """ # cmake location cmake_path = os.path.dirname(ext.cmake_file) # location of the CMakeLists.txt yayi_src_files_location # is 64 bits interpreter? we build for the current interpreter is_64bits = _is_64_build() # common to linux/osx if sys.platform in ["linux2"]: # indicates the location where the libraries will be installed after the setup install command options += ['-DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=$ORIGIN/.'] # for OSX if sys.platform == "darwin": # indicates that the directory part will be replaced by @rpath, related to CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH options += ['-DCMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH=ON', ] pass # set up the builder if not ext.cmake_builder: if sys.platform == 'win32': builder = ['-G', 'Visual Studio 12' + ' Win64' if is_64bits else ''] else: builder = [] else: if sys.platform == 'win32': builder = [ext.cmake_builder + ' Win64' if is_64bits else ''] pass else: builder = [ext.cmake_builder] # indicating the location of python as well, in case we are in a virtual environment # this python executable should be inherited options += ['-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=%s' % sys.executable] # stabilizing the options options.sort() cmd = ['cmake'] + builder + options + [os.path.abspath((os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), cmake_path)))] import hashlib t = hashlib.sha1() for i in options: t.update(i) digest = t.hexdigest() if digest in self.cached_cmake_configure: self.cached_cmake_configure[digest] += [ext] return self.cached_cmake_configure[digest] = [ext] # build location build_location = os.path.join(self.cmake_build_location, digest) if not os.path.exists(build_location): os.makedirs(build_location) print 'curdir', os.path.abspath(os.curdir) print 'current dir', os.listdir(os.curdir)'#' * 40)'#[CMAKE-PIP] CMake configuration')'#[CMAKE-PIP]\n\t- command is\n\t%s\n\t- running in path\n\t%s', ' '.join(cmd), build_location) config_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=build_location, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) config_proc.wait() if(config_proc.returncode != 0): log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] config cmake returned an error code %d', config_proc.returncode) log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] stopping the build') log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] STDERR') log.error('\n'.join(config_proc.stderr.readlines())) log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] STDOUT') log.error('\n'.join(config_proc.stdout.readlines())) raise Exception('Error produced by cmake_configure')'#' * 40)'# CMake configuration COMPLETE') pass
def cmake_configure_and_build(self, ext): options = ext.cmake_options if options is None: options = [] # global options if self.cmake_additional_options is not None: options += [self.cmake_additional_options] # change of layout should go there self.cmake_configure(ext, options) # now the version should be available if self.distribution.metadata.version is None: self.distribution.metadata.version = '0.1a' # todo # check that the python library is compatible with the version of boost we have # which might be not the case for virtualenv like with exotic python +/- # boost. In any case, boost-python and python should be coherent. try: from multiprocessing import cpu_count cpu_count_ = cpu_count() except Exception, _: cpu_count_ = 1'#' * 40)'# CMake BUILD') # print 'curdir', os.path.abspath(os.curdir) # print 'current dir', os.listdir(os.curdir) # print 'build dir', os.listdir(self.cmake_build_location) cmake_cmd = ['cmake', '--build', '.'] # release on win32 if sys.platform == "win32": cmake_cmd += ['--config', 'Release'] # additional options: cpu for multithreaded builds additional_options = [] if not ext.cmake_builder: # with default builders, we can pass those options if sys.platform == "win32": additional_options += ['--', '/m:%d' % cpu_count_, '/v:m'] else: additional_options += ['--', '-j%d' % cpu_count_] # build location build_location = self.get_extension_build_location(ext) # target if ext.cmake_target is not None: cmake_cmd += ['--target', ext.cmake_target] # todo flush the cmake output into a file build_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmake_cmd + additional_options, cwd=build_location) build_proc.wait() if(build_proc.returncode != 0): log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] config cmake returned an error code %d', build_proc.returncode) log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] stopping the build') log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] STDERR') log.error('\n'.join(build_proc.stderr.readlines())) log.error('#[CMAKE-PIP] STDOUT') log.error('\n'.join(build_proc.stdout.readlines())) raise Exception('Error produced by cmake_configure_and_build') # install if this is part of the procedure # TODO ! if ext.cmake_install or ext.cmake_install_component: # run the installer with build/lib/ (without the hash) as prefix # TODO pass elif ext.cmake_locate_extensions: import imp extensions = [i[0] for i in imp.get_suffixes() if i[2] == imp.C_EXTENSION] build_ext = self.get_finalized_command('build_ext') for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(build_location): target_files = [os.path.join(dirpath, i) for i in filenames if os.path.splitext(i)[1] in extensions] for i in target_files: fullname = build_ext.get_ext_fullname( filename = build_ext.get_ext_filename(fullname) if os.path.basename(filename).lower() != '${ALL}': if os.path.basename(i) != os.path.basename(filename): # this is not the current target, we skip continue # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() destination = os.path.join(self.build_platlib, filename) build_ext.mkpath(os.path.dirname(destination)) self.copy_file(i, destination)'#' * 40)'[CMAKE-PIP] build_cmake ok') if 0: # the installation procedure is copying yayi files into the python package tree, so it should be part of the # build itself'#' * 40)'[YAYI] build_cmake -- install the python package component') cmake_cmd = ['cmake', '--build', '.', '--target', 'PythonPackageSetup'] if sys.platform == "win32": cmake_cmd += ['--config', 'Release'] # important otherwise the other version might get installed cmake_cmd += ['--', '/v:m'] build_proc = subprocess.Popen(cmake_cmd, cwd=self.cmake_build_location) build_proc.wait() # consider, for installing one component only: # ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -DCOMPONENT=python_package_install_intermediate -P ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmake_install.cmake if(build_proc.returncode != 0): log.error('[YAYI] build_cmake install returned an error code %d', build_proc.returncode) log.error('[YAYI] stopping the commands') raise Exception('Error produced by cmake "install" command, see logs for more information')'#' * 40)'[CMAKE-PIP] build_cmake -- install ok') pass # class build_cmake def run(self): self.cmake_build_location = os.path.abspath(self.build_temp) self.cmake_install_location = os.path.abspath(self.build_lib) self.cmake_install_prefix = os.path.abspath(self.install_dir) self.cmake_platlib = os.path.abspath(self.build_platlib)'#' * 40)'[CMAKE-PIP] build_cmake\n' '\tinside directory %s\n' '\tcreating temporary installation to directory %s\n' '\tcmake_platlib: %s\n' '\tPREFIX to directory %s', self.cmake_build_location, self.cmake_install_location, self.cmake_platlib, self.cmake_install_prefix) if self.extension_list: for ext in self.extension_list:'[CMAKE-PIP] extension %s\n' '\tcmake located %s\n' '\tcmake option %s\n',, ext.cmake_file if ext.cmake_file else 'ERRR', ext.cmake_options) # if ext.cmake_options else 'default options') else:'[CMAKE-PIP] NO EXTENSION') # performs the configuration and building for all extensions for ext in self.extension_list: self.cmake_configure_and_build(ext)'[CMAKE-PIP] build_cmake -- install ok') pass # class build_cmake def get_extension_build_location(self, ext): # build location for k, v in self.cached_cmake_configure.items(): if ext in v: return os.path.join(self.cmake_build_location, k) else: assert(False), 'Cannot find the configuration of the current extension'
[docs] def get_outputs(self): """Returns the list of files generated by this specific build command""" global cmake_install_location # Apparently needed while undocumented. Note: should be able to run it in dry-run, which is now impossible log.warn('#' * 40 + " I am in get_outputs, build directory is " + self.build_temp) if self.extension_list: for ext in self.extension_list:'[CMAKE-PIP] extension %s\n' '\tcmake located %s\n' '\tcmake option %s\n',, ext.cmake_file if ext.cmake_file else 'ERRR', ext.cmake_options) # if ext.cmake_options else 'default options') else:'[CMAKE-PIP] NO EXTENSION') # here we retrieve the information from cmake itself. # todo: abstract the file that is read: this is the component that is installed, the python script # here should not know about that list_installed_files = [] if self.extension_list: for ext in self.extension_list: build_location = self.get_extension_build_location(ext) if ext.cmake_install or ext.cmake_install_component: # if the targets goes into an install, we read the file generated by # cmake to retrieve the content of this component. # in case of a component, we read that component file if ext.cmake_install_component: # "install_manifest_%s.txt" % component : the file generated by cmake component_file = 'install_manifest_%s.txt' % ext.cmake_install_component else: component_file = 'install_manifest.txt' with open(os.path.join(build_location, component_file), 'r') as f: for l in f.readlines(): list_installed_files.append(os.path.relpath(l.strip(), self.build_lib)) elif ext.cmake_locate_extensions: # if the component is not specified, and this one is specified instead, # we look for all compatible shared libraries generated under # the build location import imp extensions = [i[0] for i in imp.get_suffixes() if i[2] == imp.C_EXTENSION] selected_files = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.build_platlib): selected_files += [os.path.join(dirpath, i) for i in filenames if os.path.splitext(i)[1] in extensions] list_installed_files += selected_files # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace(); log.warn("returning %s", '\n\t'.join(list_installed_files)) return list_installed_files
# not needed as 'create_package_layout' is called from the run # sub_commands = Command.sub_commands #[('create_package_layout', None)] + class build_ext(_build_ext): sub_commands = [('build_cmake', None)] + _build_ext.sub_commands def build_extensions(self): """Pass the CMake extensions to the appropriate builder"""'#' * 40)'[CMAKE-PIP] build_ext') ext_list = [ext for ext in self.extensions if isinstance(ext, ExtensionCMake)] #self.extensions = [ext for ext in self.extensions if not isinstance(ext, ExtensionCMake)] for ext in ext_list:"blablablabalbalblablablabla %s", build_cmake = self.get_finalized_command('build_cmake', 1) build_cmake.set_extensions(ext_list) return _build_ext.build_extensions(self) def build_extension(self, ext):"glaglaglaglaglga %s", if(not isinstance(ext, ExtensionCMake)): return _build_ext.build_extension(self, ext) # the 1 at the end construct the object always, even if not specified on # the command line. build_cmake = self.get_finalized_command('build_cmake', 1) print 'is debug?', self.debug # for each of the cmake extensions, configure this one a bit # - name of the target # - build location # - install location, maybe run the tests # right now, doing this only stuff # now maybe extend the self.libraries pass def get_outputs(self): # get all the outputs for the other commands pruned_extension = [i for i in self.extensions if not isinstance(i, ExtensionCMake)] original = self.extensions self.extensions = pruned_extension r = _build_ext.get_outputs(self) self.extensions = original # get the outputs of the cmake commands build_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_cmake') build_files = build_cmd.get_outputs() build_dir = getattr(build_cmd, 'build_platlib') return r + build_files def setup(*args, **kwargs): if 'cmdclass' in kwargs: pass else: kwargs['cmdclass'] = {'build_ext': build_ext, 'build_cmake': build_cmake} return _setup(*args, **kwargs)